Morgan County Emergency Management Agency
The mission of the Morgan County Emergency Management Agency is to coordinate community preparedness in response to natural and man-made emergencies or disasters. This coordination includes pre-planning response, emergency response training, exercising and testing response plans, identifying resources and developing procedures to lessen the impact of these emergencies or disasters.
Additionally, we strive to increase public outreach and education by attending community events, hosting community events and conducting educational campaigns. Through social media and other platforms, we are able to directly communicate with residents and share information that will increase Morgan County resident’s resilience to natural and man-made hazards.
Don’t forget to follow us on social media for up-to-date information!
Emergency Management is the coordination and integration of all activities necessary to build, sustain and improve the capabilities to prepare for, respond to, recover from, or mitigate against threatened or actual disasters or emergencies, regardless of cause. Furthermore, emergency management activities in response to an incident are a component of overall incident management and are aligned with parallel response processes associated with prevention and protection. The body of knowledge with respect to comprehensive emergency management includes the concept of emergency management "programs." These "programs" are comprised of functional areas including operations and procedures, hazard and risk identification, plans and procedures (strategic plans, operational plans, recovery plans), hazard mitigation, public information and public education, finance and administration, etc. etc.”
(DHS, Lexicon, October 23, 2007, p. 9)
Are You Prepared?
Disasters can happen at anytime. Are you prepared for a disaster in your area? Visit our preparedness page and learn how you can prepare for different hazards, build a disaster supply kit and make an emergency plan. Learn how you can become better prepared for various types of disasters.
TVA Browns Ferry
Morgan County is located within the 10-mile Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) for Browns Ferry Nuclear Power Plant (BFNPP). Therefore, Morgan County EMA maintains an emergency preparedness program dedicated to protecting the citizens of Morgan County if there is an event at BFNPP.
Photo Gallery
Visit our collection of images from various disasters, emergencies, exercises, etc. Furthermore, we have a gallery dedicated to images that Morgan County residents submit to us. If you would like to submit an image, please send us a message on any of our social media platforms!
Latest News
Our news blog is a collection of information that is used to inform Morgan County residents of emergency management related information. Information includes EMA programs/projects, COVID related news, special preparedness topics , etc.
The Morgan County Commission and Morgan County Emergency Management Agency have been working to implement an emergency alert system for the residents of Morgan County. The system, Everbridge, will allow residents to register and customize their desired weather alerts and how they would like to receive them. These alerts include severe weather, public safety alerts, special event messaging, etc.